
I'm Mike and I am a Full Stack Web Developer.

I'm a deeply passionate learner always looking for ways to improve my skill set.

About Me

I'm a former analytical chemist who fell in love with coding in graduate school. I found myself on Codecademy one day while procrastinating before an exam. I've been coding ever since.

Back End Projects


Bamazon is a CLI app that simulates a simple version of an Amazon-like store front.

Tech Stack: MySQL, NodeJS, Inquirer, and Table

Check out the repo here.


Liri is a CLI app that queries the Spotify, OMDb, and Bands In Town APIs.

Tech Stack: Node.js, Require, Chalk, Node-Spotify-API

Check out the repo here.

Exercise Tracker

This app is a simple landing page and a series of API endpoints that allow users to create and read a log of their exercises.

Tech Stack: MongoDB, Express, React.js

Deployed here.

Check out the repo here.

Front End Projects

Screenshot of GIFHunter app

GIF Hunter - Make's a call to GIPHY API to retrieve GIFs based on search term. Repo.

Screenshot of Crystal Collector Game Appp

Crystal Collector - A game built with JS & jQuery. Repo.

Screenshot of SpaceHangman App

Hangman with a space theme. Repo.

Screenshot of calculator app

A calculator built with React. CodePen.

Screenshot of pomodoro timer app

A Pomodoro technique timer built with React. CodePen.

Screenshot of the TriviaQuiz app

TriviaQuiz - Quiz game that makes an API call to generate a new set of questions each game. Repo.